
Friday, 15 August 2014

My Vegetarian Diary

After a long day at work, some healthy grocery shopping at Costco. "Organic" seems to be the common theme here.

In order to achieve a healthier life style I have been slowly, changing my food habits. First, I decided to eliminate all sort of processed foods and dairy from my diet. After, started purchasing mostly organic items. As you can imagine, a complete organic diet in Vancouver is extremely expensive, so I had to balance it out in order to have a healthy diet and not be completely broke. Then, by the end of last year I meet this guy, N. Supper healthy, that told me about this weekday vegetarian diet. Turns out he ended being a "healthy-douchebag" (will tell you all about it on a different post), but at least I learned something with him. Anyways, after returning from my vacation I decided to become a "weekday vegetarian". And so far, so good. I am on my second week and I can say I feel great. No craving meet at all. Important to say that for the past 15 years I completely gave up on beef. Since I was a kid, my mother and my grandmother used to buy me these special stakes with less fat and all that. Although I can say I truly never enjoyed it. And one day, at the age of 15 when they complained I was not eating my meet I finally told them that I did not like it and it was quite hard to digest. That was the end of it.
Shortly, I will be sharing some of my recipes for this new adventure in my life. Stay tuned.

#weekdayvegetarian #eathealty #eatclean #food #recipes #vegetarian # 1heart2cities

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