
Thursday, 18 September 2014

My Serendipity Story - Part I

So, I think I haven't told you (people on the other side of the wall) much about this person I am always randomly (if not consistently) talking about, and who is the reason why I started this blog.
Well I am thinking today is the day. And on that note I think I will take this chance to talk a little about myself. So sit back, chill, grab your glass of wine and here we go.

The Summer of 2014

I like to refer to the Summer of 2014 as the Serendipity Summer. As I have been doing for the past 4 years, I booked my 3.5 to 4 weeks off and bought my flight home (Lisbon, Portugal). This year I decided to go in June. My mother, myself and my grandmas birthdays all fall in the middle of June, it was my big 30th, moms 55th and grandmas 75th so I decided to go home and celebrate these special dates with the ones I love the most: my family and childhood friends.

I arrived in Lisbon (Lx) on a beautiful and hot sunny afternoon of June 11th, 2014. Right on time for Santos Populares. Immediate family waiting for me on the airport. Airport selfie with mom and grandma.Usual hugs and kisses, teary eyes and time to go home and have a typical Portuguese meal: frango assado com batatas fritas e salada (aka barbecued chicken with french fries and salad). Yum. A fest. I can't remember that well but I believe that day I did not leave the house at night. Spent some time with parents and grandparents and of to bed early.

On Friday June, 13th one of my BFF's Trace was also arriving in Lx. Piched her up from the airport, ate something, had a power nap and around 10 pm of we go to Alfama to celebrates Santos Populares. Trace was amazed with all the fun people and beautiful man. After some sight seeing in Alfama, 5 Sangrias and 4 beers, we jump on the subway (with a glass of Sangria in our hand) all the way to Chiado to go meet my friend Ricky and some of his mates at Bica. All I can say is that 5 years later, we were already quite "alcohol happy". Having a blast. About 30 minutes later, my friend Ricky arrives with 10 other peopleis brothers, Fred and some other friends. Ricky is the typical crazy-fun and outgoing guy. Sometimes a bit annoying, not gonna lie. But over all, he is always the heart of the party and makes you laugh until your checks hurt. Trace is also a bit of a "hurricane of fun and craziness" herself. Let's say we were the funnest bunch dancing to all sorts of music, socializing and laughing our asses of at Bica... 

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