
Wednesday 17 December 2014

My food habits - replacements

As I mentioned before, over 1 year ago I decided to start a weekly vegetarian diet. Not only because I had stomach problems but because I felt much better when not eating most animal products. Nowadays I can tell you I found great balance. I am not vegan or 100% vegetarian. I avoid to eat out and plan my meals on a weekly basis (Sunday evenings I cook 2-3 different meals to eat during the week). I lost some weight and at 30 years old I feel better than ever. Today I am going to provide you guys with a list of some major replacements in my cooking habits that made a big difference.

Regular milk with organic almond, rice or coconut milk. 

I never liked milk in the first place, and I drank it mostly with coffee or chocolate. Nowadays I have at least 1 cup a day with my morning smoothie. I tend to buy this brand also at costco. When it goes on sale I pay about $8.50 for 6.

Olive oil with avocado oil (or organic coconut oil)

I like olive oil. Don’t get me wrong. It’s very healthy and all those things we know. But I felt it was a bit heavy and fatty. I find Avocado oil lighter. You cannot taste the difference. Guarantee you. I get mine at costco for about $12 a bottle (1.5 L)

Regular butter with Vegan Butter. 

I used to be a big butter eater. But with my food habits completely started leaving butter alone. I'll use it casually for cooking, baking or on toast. I guarantee you you can barely tell the difference. Normally purchase it at Trader Joe around $3.50 a container. 

Normal pasta with Quinoa and Brow Rice Noodles

This was major. Specially because it's a very tasty and lighter pasta. I also get it at TJ's in the US for around $2.50 a package. Now I don't feel so guilty when I eat pasta. You can even get the lasagna base. Yuuuummmm! Half the calories, amazing flavor!

There might be couple more things I replaced, but I cannot recall at this moment. I'll keep you posted. 

Challenge: Replace some of these items in your diet for 1 month and let us know what your think? :) 


Seren Dipity 

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