Thursday, 30 April 2015
Pombos do camandro...
Eu não digo. Eu não digo que há merdas que só me acontecem a mim...
Então não é que pisei um pombo no caminho para casa. Um Pombo, caraças.
Um. Pombo. Os gajos são sempre os primeiros a dar o fuga quando ouvem
qualquer barulho... Eu vi-o umas passos antes, mas pronto achei que o
gajo ia sair da frente e ia lá a vidinha dele (raio das expectativas,
até o carago dos pombos nos falham). Olho para a montra ao meu lado
enquanto continuo a andar (estava recheada de sandálias de verão
e malas do Michael Kors, por segundos pensei que tinha chegado ao
paraíso). Quando dou por mim, estou a pisar a porra da asa do pombo. Ca
susto apanhei eu, senhores. Parecia cena de filme. O pombo a dar às
asas, e parte de uma delas debaixo do meu sapato. Isto tudo nuns míseros
segundos. O coração parecia que me saia pela boca. E logo um pombo. E
eu que detesto pombos. São ratos com asas... Blheka. Foi de maneira que
me meti logo na loja a ver sapatos, para me acalmar de tal aventura.
Monday, 20 April 2015
The Crazy Lady Episode
These things only happen to me, right?
This AM while parking car2go I see this lady walking her dog and she was clearly observing me. I get out of the car here she comes:
Crazy lady: Excuse me. May I give a suggestion: You guys bring these little cars and leave them all around the neighborhood. When parking you seem to leave too much space in between cars. Could you please move your car a bit closer from the one behind you?
NOTE – I probably parked around 40 cm from the car behind me.
Me: I completely understand what you are saying. Although, I am already logged out of system. To move the car I need to log in, pay again and I am quite late for work. I understand what you are saying and I will definitely keep it in mind for next time. Thank you.
Me, very calmly and politely with a smile on my face: Good morning to you to. You know, you clearly have too much time on your hands… maybe you should try to make yourself a bit busy and then you don’t have time worry about how much space was left in between cars parked in your neighborhood. I don’t know, maybe read a book and take some cooking lessons. A world of possibilities lies ahead of you.
Crazy lady yelling: Oh shut up bitch! Shut the fuck up.
Me: Hummm! I see what your problem is. I have a better suggestion: buy a new vibrator. It will relax you and help release all that anger you have accumulated. Have a lovely day. (Wink!)
… and while I walk to the office she he continues to shout at me from the other side of the street.
This AM while parking car2go I see this lady walking her dog and she was clearly observing me. I get out of the car here she comes:
Crazy lady: Excuse me. May I give a suggestion: You guys bring these little cars and leave them all around the neighborhood. When parking you seem to leave too much space in between cars. Could you please move your car a bit closer from the one behind you?
NOTE – I probably parked around 40 cm from the car behind me.
Me: I completely understand what you are saying. Although, I am already logged out of system. To move the car I need to log in, pay again and I am quite late for work. I understand what you are saying and I will definitely keep it in mind for next time. Thank you.
Me, very calmly and politely with a smile on my face: Good morning to you to. You know, you clearly have too much time on your hands… maybe you should try to make yourself a bit busy and then you don’t have time worry about how much space was left in between cars parked in your neighborhood. I don’t know, maybe read a book and take some cooking lessons. A world of possibilities lies ahead of you.
Crazy lady yelling: Oh shut up bitch! Shut the fuck up.
Me: Hummm! I see what your problem is. I have a better suggestion: buy a new vibrator. It will relax you and help release all that anger you have accumulated. Have a lovely day. (Wink!)
… and while I walk to the office she he continues to shout at me from the other side of the street.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Puta que pariu!
Já não posso ouvir falar nesta porra da Coachela. Primeiro foram os outfits para usar na Coachela, depois os melhores outfits da Coachela. Depois as selfies na Coachela, e as fotos de grupo na Coachela. E os mais fashion da Choachela. E o Bieber foi expulso da Coachela. E raios parta mais à Coachela. Queremos lá saber se vocês foram, se usaram cuecas ou chapéus de cowboy. Se levaram a irmã mais nova ou o filho do merceiro. É que não há cú, foda-se! Que apanhem todos mas é uma borreira de salmonela. Tenho dito.
Basta. Pum. Basta.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Oh pah! O meu amigo Thomas é um fofo. Ontem acabei finalmente o meu curso em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, aqui em Vancouver. Para mim foi um "achievement" do caraças porque tive aulas em inglês, tive que fazer trabalhos em ingles. Não foi facil. Mas também não foi muito difícil. Hoje de manha, manda-me ele isto:
O que eu me ri. É um fofo...
Nem vou dizer que o Senhor Urso nem se lembrou. Mas va... Muda de assunto.
Monday, 13 April 2015
Hoje quero-vos apresentar a Maya, uma cadelinha maluca mas
que é um amor de bicho. Todas as Terças-Feiras vou passea-la e ao irmão,
o Ossito um Sharpei. Pronto. Era só isto. Estou com umas saudades
enormes da minha Mayazita.
Hoje pus-me praqui a pensar se algum dia te vou mostrar as parvoeiras mal rabiscadas que aqui deixo...
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Busy bee,
I have a confession to make. I am quite sad... Today I went to play tennis with my BFF Thomas. I adore Thomas, and I am very thankful for having him as a friend. But I am sad. Quite sad. I keep doing all these things with him, playing tennis, celebrating graduating from my course, ridding my new bike and so on, but ultimately I really want to be doing all these things with you. There, I've sad it. Iadore my friend Thomas, and I am sure if I gave him the opportunity he would love to have a relationship with me... But my heart is completely set on you. Like: no doubt. No question. And you are so far. And some days it hurts me more than others. That's all.
Seren Dipity
Da poesia
Para ser grande, sê inteiro
Para ser grande, sê inteiro: nada
Teu exagera ou exclui.
Sê todo em cada coisa. Põe quanto és
No mínimo que fazes.
Assim em cada lago a lua toda
Brilha, porque alta vive
#RicadoReis #FernandoPessoa
Estou aqui sentada na sala. Lareira acesa, copo de vinho rosé, casa arrumadas e livros prontos para ler. Deveria começar a estudar, mas só consigo pensar em ti. No quanto te quero. Nas saudades imensas. O quanto te admiro, respeito, e o quanto sinto a tia falta. Já passaram 9 meses desde a ultima vez que nos vimos, e este sentimento louco, esta certeza que me corta o ar de que o Universo trouxe até mim aquele com quem quero partilhar o resto da minha vida. E foi tão pouco o tempo que passamos juntos. Tão poucos os momentos que dividimos, mas foram todos tão, mas tão especiais. Inesquecíveis. Dizes que vens cá em Julho. Já não penso noutra coisa. Adormeço a imaginar o nosso reencontro no aeroporto. Um mundo de pessoas à nossa volta. Vejo-te e não hesito em correr para os teus braços. Apertar-te com força. Passa as mão por essas madeixas loiras que tanto adoro.
O amor nos 30 é realmente outra coisa. Mas secalhar é só porque é contigo. Porque és realmente especial. Do outro Mundo até. Não. Só sei que te quero. Todos os dias mais e mais e mal posso esperar pelo tempo em que finalmente viveremos no mesmo continente e comsigamos fazer todas aquelas coisas que os loucos apaixonados fazem. Fazes o meu Mundo girar. Dás-me um frio gostoso na barriga. Mal posso esperar por voltar a perder-me no teu abraço e no gosto do teu beijo. Tão calmo. Tão doce. Táo cheio de tudo aquilo que mais desejo.
Universo, obrigada. Ursinho, marca o raio da passagem que estou a dar em doida. :)
Aquele beijo.
Friday, 10 April 2015
People Who Curse All The Time Are Hotter, Confident And Less Stressed
Ha! See.... there is a reason for everything. And I am totally fine with this one. tongue emoticon
"If you’re like me, then you have quite the dirty mouth. But rejoice, potty mouths: Those of us who swear by cursing have a lot more going for us than the straight-laced goody goodies."
From Elite Daily:
"If you’re like me, then you have quite the dirty mouth. But rejoice, potty mouths: Those of us who swear by cursing have a lot more going for us than the straight-laced goody goodies."
From Elite Daily:
The most dramatic, effective and beautiful expressions in any language come in the form of curse words.
Swearing is dramatic because it often occurs in dramatic situations that call for blunt forwardness. Curses are easily the most effective of words because there is no denying the intention of anyone using them.
When we curse, we’re usually saying exactly what is on our minds, without fear of the repercussions.
It may come off as harsh, but if there is cursing involved, the message will be read loud and clear.
But, more importantly, curse words are some of the most beautiful words that can possibly be used in daily conversation.
As a language enthusiast, I’ve spent years studying Mandarin Chinese, as well as the nuances of English and Spanish. What I’ve found is that swearing in any culture or country often conveys the highest form of passion.
I tend to curse much more than my mother thinks I should.
But you can’t blame me: I’m one of the most dedicated people I know, and when I’m invested in a project, or even just a thought or opinion, I tend to take it very seriously.
If you’re like me, then you have quite the dirty mouth. But rejoice, potty mouths: Those of us who swear by cursing have a lot more going for us than the straight-laced goody goodies.
They found that cursing is most often associated with angry attitudes and emotions toward certain subjects and is used as an emotional coping mechanism.
Dr. Richard Stephens, one of the researchers for the study, tells the Daily Mail,
But it was extremely important for my brothers and me to practice diligence with our swearing. We didn’t dare curse at our mother, and we definitely weren’t allowed to curse at our friends’ homes.
Still, if I felt extremely confident or passionate about something, I could use the occasional curse word to emphasize that.
Eventually, this escalated to me swearing at least every hour, but only in situations I feel super passionate about — which, apparently, is everything.
Not only do we feel more confident when we curse, but apparently it makes us a whole lot more attractive, too.
One survey finds that both men and women think swearing is a turn-on, but only when done in appropriate contexts.
One participant says,
Apparently, men find it extra attractive when a woman loses her sh*t while romping in the sack.
Makes sense, doesn’t it? There’s nothing sexier than someone who uses language the right way while having sex — because using it the wrong way is just plain creepy.
Think about it: Your worries and fears are like a can of soda, and by opening up that can of frustrations, you’re letting out all of the little bubbles that were consuming you. I know, a brilliant f*cking analogy.
But, by being able to truly express your genuine emotions once the feels hit you where it hurts, an immediate sense of relief comes over you.
There’s seriously no bigger stress eraser than screaming “F*CKING F*CK!” at the top of your lungs on a rooftop for the entire world to hear (trust me, I know).
When we curse, we’re not only explaining how strongly we feel in certain situations, but we’re also relieving ourselves from the stress and anger attached to that thought. By letting go of it, there is an acute therapeutic effect that definitely has a lasting impact in our mentality.
Prevention reports that by expressing our true emotions through the form of an occasional outburst or tantrum, we actually prevent our brains from releasing too much cortisol in the long run, which is the stress hormone that makes you feel all types of horrible.
So there you have it. Those of us with the dirty mouths shouldn’t be looking to clean them up too soon. Instead, swearing should come out of the taboo closet and be used by everyone on a daily basis.
If you don’t agree with me, just try channeling your inner rage regarding that assh*le at work who won’t leave you alone, the boss who you can’t stand or that paper you just can’t seem to finish. Afterward, stand on the nearest rooftop and shout every single swear in the book.
You’ll thank me when you’re done.
On that note, FUCK OFF!
Swearing is dramatic because it often occurs in dramatic situations that call for blunt forwardness. Curses are easily the most effective of words because there is no denying the intention of anyone using them.
When we curse, we’re usually saying exactly what is on our minds, without fear of the repercussions.
It may come off as harsh, but if there is cursing involved, the message will be read loud and clear.
But, more importantly, curse words are some of the most beautiful words that can possibly be used in daily conversation.
As a language enthusiast, I’ve spent years studying Mandarin Chinese, as well as the nuances of English and Spanish. What I’ve found is that swearing in any culture or country often conveys the highest form of passion.
I tend to curse much more than my mother thinks I should.
But you can’t blame me: I’m one of the most dedicated people I know, and when I’m invested in a project, or even just a thought or opinion, I tend to take it very seriously.
If you’re like me, then you have quite the dirty mouth. But rejoice, potty mouths: Those of us who swear by cursing have a lot more going for us than the straight-laced goody goodies.
I’m cursing my ass off because I’m confident about my sh*t, motherf*cker.
Researchers at Keele University in Staffordshire have been studying the links between cursing and mental behavior for years now, and they recently presented their information at the British Psychological Society’s annual conference.They found that cursing is most often associated with angry attitudes and emotions toward certain subjects and is used as an emotional coping mechanism.
Dr. Richard Stephens, one of the researchers for the study, tells the Daily Mail,
We want to use more taboo words when we are emotional. We grow up learning what these words are and using these words while we are emotional can help us to feel stronger.
It seems as though cursing allowed the study’s participants to feel a sense of empowerment after airing out their dirty mouths.
I may have been raised somewhat unconventionally, but certain swear words in my home weren’t necessarily considered “taboo.”But it was extremely important for my brothers and me to practice diligence with our swearing. We didn’t dare curse at our mother, and we definitely weren’t allowed to curse at our friends’ homes.
Still, if I felt extremely confident or passionate about something, I could use the occasional curse word to emphasize that.
Eventually, this escalated to me swearing at least every hour, but only in situations I feel super passionate about — which, apparently, is everything.
There’s nothing like a bad bitch with a dirty mouth.
Girls and guys alike agree: There’s nothing sexier than someone who uses words as bold and demanding of attention as they are.Not only do we feel more confident when we curse, but apparently it makes us a whole lot more attractive, too.
One survey finds that both men and women think swearing is a turn-on, but only when done in appropriate contexts.
One participant says,
Not all people can curse equally. Some people are just better equipped for it — kind of like guys wearing muscle shirts or girls bearing midriffs.What’s more interesting is that guys and girls both find members of the opposite sex even hotter when they’re swearing under the sheets.
Apparently, men find it extra attractive when a woman loses her sh*t while romping in the sack.
Makes sense, doesn’t it? There’s nothing sexier than someone who uses language the right way while having sex — because using it the wrong way is just plain creepy.
People who curse aren’t bottling up their stress and emotions.
It’s a known fact that people who vent their frustrations and explain what’s on their minds are often in healthier mental states than those who prefer to bottle up their thoughts and concerns.Think about it: Your worries and fears are like a can of soda, and by opening up that can of frustrations, you’re letting out all of the little bubbles that were consuming you. I know, a brilliant f*cking analogy.
But, by being able to truly express your genuine emotions once the feels hit you where it hurts, an immediate sense of relief comes over you.
There’s seriously no bigger stress eraser than screaming “F*CKING F*CK!” at the top of your lungs on a rooftop for the entire world to hear (trust me, I know).
When we curse, we’re not only explaining how strongly we feel in certain situations, but we’re also relieving ourselves from the stress and anger attached to that thought. By letting go of it, there is an acute therapeutic effect that definitely has a lasting impact in our mentality.
Prevention reports that by expressing our true emotions through the form of an occasional outburst or tantrum, we actually prevent our brains from releasing too much cortisol in the long run, which is the stress hormone that makes you feel all types of horrible.
So there you have it. Those of us with the dirty mouths shouldn’t be looking to clean them up too soon. Instead, swearing should come out of the taboo closet and be used by everyone on a daily basis.
If you don’t agree with me, just try channeling your inner rage regarding that assh*le at work who won’t leave you alone, the boss who you can’t stand or that paper you just can’t seem to finish. Afterward, stand on the nearest rooftop and shout every single swear in the book.
You’ll thank me when you’re done.
On that note, FUCK OFF!
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Thursday, 9 April 2015
Coisas que noto que mudaram em mim desde que saí de Portugal:
- Tornei-me uma pessoa mais aventureia e positiva
- Dexei de querer saber o que os outros pensam ou dizem sobre mim e as minhas escolhas
- Dexei de ter medo de dizer ás pessoas que gosto delas, que tenho orgulho nelas e que as admiro (quando é o caso)
- Passei a ser uma pessoa mais agradecida
- Deixei de querer ter coisas só porque os outros tinham, ou para mostrar que tenho. O que tenho é porque quero ter, porque posso e isso basta-me.
- Deixei de ter a “mentalidadezinha portuguesa” e da teoria da conspiração.
- Deixei de ter medo de arriscar
- Deixei de acreditar na “superioridade” e passei a olhar para as coisas como simplesmente “diferentes”
Dos Skypes
Acabamos de fazer uma hora de Skype. As vezes digo coisas que nao sei muito bem porque digo e que sei que sao estupidas. E realmente dificil de explicar. Aquela cena do hot springs... Enfim!
Hoje pela primeira vez fiquei com a sensacao de "incompatibilidade" em relacao a nos. Tambem nao sei explicar, mas eh a palavra que anda aqui a pairar na minha cabeca. As vezes os silencios sao estranhos. Nao te estava a criticar, so estava a dizer que algumas das musicas que ouves sao completamente maradas e que "would drive me crazy". Mas adoro o facto de gostares dessas coisas diferentes e de as partilhares comigo. Acho que te vou mandar uma mensagem a dizer isso mesmo para clarificar a onda bizarra que ficou no ar.
Era so isto... Pronto.
Entretanto voltamos a trocar umas mensagens no whatsapp e isto passou-me completamente. Gosto de ti. E muito, pah. Irrita-me.
Hoje pela primeira vez fiquei com a sensacao de "incompatibilidade" em relacao a nos. Tambem nao sei explicar, mas eh a palavra que anda aqui a pairar na minha cabeca. As vezes os silencios sao estranhos. Nao te estava a criticar, so estava a dizer que algumas das musicas que ouves sao completamente maradas e que "would drive me crazy". Mas adoro o facto de gostares dessas coisas diferentes e de as partilhares comigo. Acho que te vou mandar uma mensagem a dizer isso mesmo para clarificar a onda bizarra que ficou no ar.
Era so isto... Pronto.
Entretanto voltamos a trocar umas mensagens no whatsapp e isto passou-me completamente. Gosto de ti. E muito, pah. Irrita-me.
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