
Friday, 23 October 2015


É hoje o teu aniversário. 
Welcome to my age box, Ursinho. 

Tinha pensado em ir-te ver, de surpresa e passar este dia contigo. O ano passado a tua irmã fez-te uma festa surpresa. 3 bolos de aniversário. Enviei-te um monte de coisas no correio. Uma delas, aquela camisola que tens na foto que aqui publiquei. Um das embalagens bloqueo-vos a porta do apartamento e ninguém conseguia entrar. Lembro-me de tanta coisas. Era uma história tão bonita, a nossa. Ainda me pergunto porque teve que ser assim. Há dias que me canso de ser forte, mas a vida não me deixa. 
Tenho uma saudade imensa. Hoje durmo com a tua t-shirt. Cheira tanto a ti e ao teu apartamemto em Londres. 

Parabéns. Tem um óptimo dia. Celebra com estilo. Um beijo doce e um abraço apertado. 

Foi amor, sabias? É amor. Ainda o é. 

Até já. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

O meu padrinho faleceu. Foi o primeiro dos irmãos a ir. Cancro no pulmão. Fumador pesado.
Um milhão de coisas me passam pela cabeça. Que estou eu aqui a fazer? Será certa a minha ideia de voltar para casa? 
Lembro-me das palavras do Urso: when in doubt, do it. 
E lembro-me dele, e do quão tenho sido forte estes meses todos. Aguentado firme (agora lembrei-me do outro - firme e hirta como uma barra de ferro). Tenho estado aqui a agarrar todas as pontas, e agora com a tristeza da perda do padrinho ainda tenho mais saudade do abraço dele. E acabo por entrar nesta roller coaster emocional. Que não quero. E não posso. Porque por mais que eu te queira, isso não te faz querer-me da mesma forma. Com a mesma intensidade. E volta tudo a fervilhar-me na pele. A puta da saudade, que ás vezes parece estar tão bem guardada na caixa de pandora, e assim do nada nos atinge tipo murro no estômago. Arrreee! Que fazer? Chorar, chorar muito. Limpar as lágrimas, erguer a cabeça e seguir em frente. 

Padrinho, descansa em paz. Eu beijinho e um xicoração apertadinho. Olha por nós e daqui a uns anos te encontraremos. 

Daquelas coisas...

“É mais estupido que um americano médio?” Só os Americanos de media estatura é que são estupidos? Mas que raio de português é este? Foram ao google translate e está a andar. Não será que o i queria dizer: Será que é mais estupido que grande maioria dos Americanos? (qualquer coisa deste género)
Vai na volta faltaram ás aulas de TTI (técnicas de Tradução de Inglês no secundário). Já não basta o (des)acordo ortográfico….

And being an idiot is...

... being Petra!

The Hungarian camerawoman who was filmed tripping up a Syrian refugee intends to sue the man she targeted while he was trying to escape war and terror.
Petra Laszlo, who was sacked from her N1TV job after the footage went viral, told a Russian newspaper she would sue Osama Abdul Mohsen, 52, for changing his testimony after initially blaming the police, reports said on Wednesday.
She also threatened to sue Facebook.
Speaking to the  Izvestia newspaper, Laszlo said: " We [her and her husband] believe Facebook played a major role in my situation. It helped embitter people against me."
After the incident in September, Laszlo had apologised for her actions which caused global outrage.
In the footage, Mohsen is shown carrying his seven-year-old son, Zaid, who fell heavily after Laszlo tripped them up.

No Petra. Grow up, and take responsibilities for your actions. It wasn't Facebook's fault that you were being shamed on the internet. It was your fault. You kicked a refugee - a father carrying his child, while running for their life. A person with NOTHING, just trying to do the best he could with the tools he had. No Petra... the world should sue you for being an ungrateful, appalling and very, very, very tiny human being. Enough with BS. Take responsibility for your actions!

Monday, 19 October 2015

Creating positive changes

Starting today, I will be doing the #thankfullnessChallenge. 

I will write more about it tomorrow. 

- 3 things I am grateful for: 
1. My health
2. My family - crazy but with an amazing heart my parents and grandparents are phenomenal people. 
3. The my ICBC claim ended and I am able to move forward. 

Journaling -

Here we are supposed to share a positive experience. But, I found out that today my goodfather Victor died. He was my father's brother. A heavy smoker that, last year was diagnosed with lung cancer. I wish I could be there to support my father. Victor was the first of the 4 brothers to pass away. 

A positive experience was that today, for the first time I voted as a Canadian. 

I had to document it with a photo. We were all able to #StopHarper. Major achievement. 

Exercice - I will now to 30 squats 

Meditate - I will read my book for 1 pomodoro. 

A random thought of kindness - I emailed my SFU teacher thanking him for all the valuable experiences and moments we got to share as student/teacher. 

Thank you Universe for this day. All the good and bad events. Thank you. 

Friday, 16 October 2015


Ou tambem conhecido por "What the Fuck" de hoje:

Andava eu a ler lixo cibernautico, quando encontro ainda mais lixo. O comentario da querida Mafalda Rodrigues a uma (so called) noticia sobre as Kardashian e as suas constantes lavagens de roupa suja.

O equivalente destas bardajonas em portugal sao as irmas Ronaldas e a dona Dolores. No entanto, verdade seja dita, so sao bregas e tem mau gosto. Nao andam nos media sempre a lavar roupa suja. A Cesar o que e de Cesar. Mas ainda nao sei como e que nao surgiu ai por Portugal o programa como ha aqui em Vancouver - "The Desperate House Wifes of Vancouver. (Ha aqui em Vancouver e por toda o USA). Elas sao mulheres de ex-traficantes, elas sao ex-porn stars, elas sao tudo. Portugal esta tao cheio desta lixarada, Kardashian wannabes and so on. Acho que seria um sucesso de audiencias.

Oh TVI, e SIC e que tal inventar um reality show para encontrar das Kardashians tugas, pah? Ja passa tanto, mas tanto lixo na TV. So mais um programinha nao faz mal nenhum, nao e?

TVI apresenta - Em busca da Familia kardashian tuga.

Fica a ideia.

Quanto ha Mafalda Rodigues...amor: trabalhinho para o final de semana. Ir ver ao dicionario o significado de Sinceridade, Sensacionalismo. E va na volta fazer uma revisao aos seus valores, ok? A bitola por onde mede a sociedade esta assim muito reles, ha? Ja pensou nisso, amori?

Beijinhos, va!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

I'm coming home

Today's background songs.
Oh so appropriate. The decision has been done!

Because I believe.


It will all be all right. I'll be home tonight. I'm coming back home.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

How to cut a cake

Ok, apparently we have all been cutting our cakes wrong.

Check these 2 videos to see the "scientific way to properly cut a cake"

What is your opinion?

O believe it's a great theory, although it's only worth it if you buy a cake for yourself to eat through a longer period of time. (And by the way, who the heck does that?)

Here at work, the birthday gals and boys must bring a cake for the day of their anniversary to celebrate it with the team (let me tell you, there is way to much cake around this office). Since we are over 20 people, we never have leftovers. On that note, as you can see in the video the scientific technique ends up wasting a fair amount if cake. Such would not happen if you use the triangle slices system.

To sum up, this technique is awesome if you are planing to store the cake in the fridge for couple days. If not, just follow the regular way and "you are going to be fine".

Enjoy your cakes.

These are the people who deserve to be famouse!

Rajendra Singh is considered a hero in the state of Rajasthan, in India, for single handedly reviving five rivers that had been dried up for decades. His exceptional work and dedication have earned him the nickname ‘Waterman of India’. He came up with the concept of a johad that stores water collected during the rainy season so that it can be used for human or animal consumption throughout the year.

More interesting #didyouknow facts here

Wednesday, 7 October 2015



is the answer

(the question is irrelevant)

 Happy Winesday




Ele faz anos este mes. Dia 24. Faz 30 anos. E eu estou aqui a debater se lhe envio um postal a desejar um Feliz Aniversario, ou se finjo que me esqueci...
(esta porra de nao conseguir colocar acentos nas palavras irrita-me) 

The walk

This weekend I went to watch the movie "The Walk", and I would like to recommend it.
Check the trailler:


But make sure you watch it on Imax (3D) it was an awesome experience. Specially if you fear hights, you even get that little cold in your tummy. 

The movie was based on a real story. I also recommend you guys to watch the documentary, a 2008 British documentary film directed by James Marsh. The film chronicles Philippe Petit's 1974 high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of New York's World Trade Center. 
You can stream it here.


Tuesday, 6 October 2015

#TheArtofNotGivingaFuck III

These could have been my words

 From Elite Daily, here. Written by

In this little love life of mine, I’ve always been the captain of my relationships.
And as captain, I’ve been forced to choose where we go and what we do. I planned, delegated and initiated… even in sex.
I booked vacations, brought up issues and broke out the condoms. I did everything. And it hurt me that my boyfriend never wanted to help with the load.
Now I’ve learned that I don’t want to steer anymore. I’d rather share the wheel.
I’m looking for someone new — someone with balls as big as my own. I’m looking for a partner who is not afraid to take charge, travel, voice his opinion and have his own set of goals.
I want a man who can hold it down, tear off my clothes and build up my passport. I want a lover who can help ground me and grow next to me. A man who will be my teammate first and my soulmate second. A man who will be both a gentleman and a freak.
And here’s how he should do it.

He should make plans.

It’s disappointing when guys repeatedly ask us what the plans are without offering some ideas of their own.
Men, we aren’t your assistants. We shouldn’t always be the ones crafting dates or trips. It’s draining to research vacations and craft itineraries.
A relationship should be give-and-take, so it would be nice to have men take the reigns for a change.
Men, start giving a little. Plan something, anything. That “get dressed, I’m taking you out tonight” text will light up any girl’s face, even if you do just wind up taking her to Burger King, you cheap bastard.

He should teach YOU something in bed.

Women shouldn’t be the only ones introducing new positions and tricks. We want sexual pleasure just as much as men. We want to be Moaning Myrtles with a man who knows how to treat us and eat us.
Pull the car door open for us, and pull our hair in the bedroom. Dazzle us with the D. Orgasms will always be fun, but we want more than the textbook O.
Give us sweaty sex stories to make us smirk when we’re supposed to be working. Leave us in awe-gasm. Stop making us roll our eyes in missionary position. Instead, make us quake on top of a washing machine.
We already have p*ssies, guys. We don’t want to date them.

He should be protective.

I’m not saying he should be a psychopath, but he should have your back.
If you’re sick, he should make you soup — just like you’ve done for him. He should make you feel secure in knowing that he will stand up and look out for you in any situation.
To everyone else, he’s your personal bodyguard. To you, he’s a teddy bear.

He should tell you when you’re pissing him off.

True cowards withhold their feelings. Men who lack balls are also not verbal. They bottle up their emotions until they drown in them, and this tanks the relationship.
A real man — one with cajones —  tells you exactly how he is feeling in order to address, resolve and prevent problems in the relationship. He will be humble enough to swallow his pride and bold enough to open his mouth.

He should be brave.

You should be able to keep up with each other.
If you like to cage-dive with sharks and jump out of airplanes, make sure to pick the guy who will be holding your hand.
And if he wants you to join him at the gym, try it. Throw on those (old) sweats.
If you’re supportive, you’ll see your support reciprocated. When you want to go on an African safari, he will have his antimalarial pills and passport in hand.
A ballsy guy won’t shy away from your love for adventure (or your love itself). He will be as down for you as you are for him.

He should be driven.

Your boyfriend should not only support your career prospects; he should also have his own.
Nothing is more attractive than ambition and intelligence. A perpetual craving for self-improvement is a must. Queens want kings, and you simply can’t put a crown on an airhead.

#TheArtofNotGivingaFuck II

Monday, 5 October 2015

The Art of Not Giving a Fuck

I have already talked about Mark Mason and his "Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck".

And because good things are supposed to be shared, I am sharing it again with you guys and starting a new label #TheArtofNotGivingAfUck.

I wil lbe posting some images, cards and quotes that best illustrates this life motto. Hope you enjoy. 


Sem mais nada para dizer.

Portugal tem aquilo que merece!

Thursday, 1 October 2015


Encontrei esta foto no wall do meu mano.

Se fosse noutra altura tinha-te enviado logo, tu que gostas tanto do filme. Mas como nao o posso fazer, fica aqui registada.