
Monday, 31 August 2015

Just please, don't forget yourself.

“Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes just be an illusion.” ~ Javan
"This is an open letter to all the girls who have ever felt like they had so much love to give, but no one to give it to.
To all those who sometimes feel so passionate about something they feel as though their heart is about to beat right out of their chest. For everyone who has ever felt contained by this world, or someone in it. Let go. Be bold and be beautiful. Live intentionally.
It is better to have a heart which is larger than life and ask life to expand, than to try to cage the only thing worth living for. Be proud in all that you love. Love fiercely, but remember the things which are worthy of your heart. It is a precious gift, which the larger its size, it seems, the easier it is for people to unwittingly take.

When you’re handing out pieces of your heart, don’t forget yourself.
One of the most beautiful love affairs each of us is capable of is the one we get to have with our self. Some of us are givers. We are intoxicated by the gratification of sourcing another’s happiness; by loving others so relentlessly, all of their sadness seems to melt away.
You have an insatiable need to help people, and a soul with a sensitivity immune to any logic against it. Sometimes you give so much though, that there is nothing left for yourself — nothing left for you to recharge on. You have to take the time to love yourself. And not just casually, but wholeheartedly.
Do what you thought you couldn’t do. Be who you always wanted to be. Stop being afraid to love yourself and love your life. If you are truly happy, it will be that much easier to bring happiness to others. Give a piece of your heart to yourself and its size will grow tenfold — you will have even more of it to spend on others.
There is no shame in being selfish every once in a while. Sometimes we have to be in order to determine how we best fit into the world. Take a break from watering everyone else’s spiritual garden, and take the time to cultivate the spirit within yourself. You might discover the most beautiful blossoms and become enchanted by their aroma.
Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Loving others will easily follow.

Don’t forget your solo… your heart has a beautiful beat. Dance to it.
You have beautiful things to offer the world, and a destiny full of surprises. Why do you insist on sharing the spotlight of your life when you are so clearly made to shine? Your talents and beauty ought to be shared with the world — you ought to be celebrated. So why do you forget your solo in your tireless pursuit of a duet?
You want so badly to share the stage with someone that you are slowly denying yourself the opportunity to shine alone. You see, love is not an effort to find someone who completes your duet. You must be complete on your own. Your strength ought to be derived from within, therefore you may always find it.
Do not rely on another to make you feel worthy of applause, you are perfectly capable of achieving standing ovations on your own! You may share the stage with a partner, but please let it be as equals. Don’t deny yourself the beauty of enriching the person that you are and allowing others to see the originality of your extraordinary soul.
Love is not about finding the perfect duet. It’s finding another solo which complements yours perfectly. It’s finding another solo which you could watch in awe a million times and still want to watch it again.
It’s performing your solo and knowing, without a doubt, every time, you’ll look into the audience and see love in the eyes of the first person standing in applause. It’s performing together with an individuality that seamlessly flows into an entirely new masterpiece, but you know this one isn’t meant for the stage.
You know that no one else could appreciate its beauty like the two of you, but you don’t mind. Because the affection and awe you feel toward it is more than enough. You know it doesn’t need to be in the spotlight. This performance is far too precious to be subject to that kind of scrutiny. So remember your solo and revel in the spotlight.
Leave your duet for the passion of the shadows.

Don’t fall for the guy who calls you pretty.
Please don’t mistake me, of course the man who loves you will think you are pretty. But anyone can say beautiful things. It takes much more for someone to make you feel pretty. I want you to wait. I know this can be hard — everyone wants to feel wanted, and everyone wants to be loved. But you are different.
You have a huge heart with so much love and an insatiable need to give it. You give love so freely and it is so beautiful. But it leaves you broken when it is rejected, when it is returned to you, not wrapped up all shiny and brand new, but tattered in the old box it came in.
You thought this time would be different, that he actually meant it when he said forever. But what you forgot is that it started the same. You didn’t wait for the spark. You invented it.
He whispered pretty lies to you and you wanted to believe them, you wanted to believe the flutters in your stomach were butterflies — anticipating an exciting future — not nerves remembering repetitions of a disappointing past. But please don’t blame yourself. The big brown eyes and crooked smiles get the best of us; you can still win.
Choose to play a different card, my darling, walk a different path. Love is not a race. My goodness, what would be left to do when you got to the finish line? Love is a journey which knows no bounds. She doesn’t play by the rules, and she certainly doesn’t submit to Father Time. Be patient.
Wait for a love that ignites an endless burning deep within your soul — a fire only sparked by one special individual, seemingly designed especially for you. Wait for the burn worth enduring — because love burns, let there be no mistake. It isn’t supposed to be easy.
Every good journey has obstacles, and every protagonist comes out better in the end because of it. If you like him because he calls you pretty, or because he makes you forget about the sadness in your life, he’s not the one. That’s not a fire. That’s convenient. Don’t be a coward when it comes to love.
Don’t settle for what’s easy for fear that no one else will come along. Go boldly into the unknown. Keep your eyes and heart open — you never know when a fire will catch.
Hearts are not meant to live life unscathed. Those of us with enormous hearts know that we leave a piece of them behind everywhere we go. They cannot be contained and they cannot be protected. But that doesn’t mean they ought to be taken for granted. You have the power to choose who and what is privileged with a piece of your heart.
Be not afraid to love, rather place greater value on the love you have to give. Know your worth and recognize the power within your soul.
You are a magnificent being, carrying life’s most precious vessel. Big hearts are not easy to come by. Wield yours purposefully an watch illusion turn to magic."

Article was written by Becca Allen on RebellSociety. 

Friday, 28 August 2015

Da saudade

Ficamos tanto tempo sem nos ver a 3D. Só através do skype, exporadicamente.
Gosto de me lembrar daquele dia em que estavas um pouco mais nostálgico e comentaste de como o meu cabelo tinha crescido. Tenho saudades de quando punhas as mãos na nuca, me puxavas os cabelos com força enquando me beijavas loucamente.
Dentro de mim reside a certeza de que estando tu, no mesmo “emotional frame” que eu, isto tinha sido uma coisa para além de fenomenal. Ninguém nos separava. Mas já diz o ditado, Deus escreve certo por linhas tortas. E o que tiver que ser serà.
Guardo-te aqui dentro, numa caixa de papelão com um enorme laçarote vermelho acetinado. Là dentro guardo a cor dos meus sonhos contigo. Todas as viagens não realizadas, todos os jantares ainda não partilhados. Todas as conquistas que quero celebrar contigo e mais ninguèm. Quardo là dentro um “(…) amor perfeito, que me dá a mão na rua, que me abraÇa no meio de todas as praÇas me leva para a cama sem hora marcada. Guardo la dentro o teu sorriso enorme, a tua gargalhada ensurdecedora. Guardo lá dentro todos os momentos vividos e outros tantos por viver. Quando olhavas para mim me fizeste sentir “uma fábrica de borboletas no estômago e tenho vontade de rir e de chorar ao mesmo tempo, porque sabes fazer-me a pessoa mais feliz do mundo.” ***

Aquele beijo.

***Palavras da Margarida Rebelo Pinto

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Haaaa, foda-se!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Was creeping on his profile and sent him a friend request! Ahhhhh, fuck you computer touch screen. FUCK.YOU!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

From the Heart

Today on my way to work I was thinking about love and lost.
Loosing someone you love (a friend, a family member, a pet) is one of the saddest things in life.
For me, the second one is, without a doubt, deeply loving someone who doesn't love us back the same way.

Monday, 24 August 2015


Right? Don't you girls hate those people who walk around the candy, shipsand dessert shelves threatening our lifes of we don't purchase something? Geeeea! I do! That is exactly what happenned to me today. Seriously. I thought it was an uban-legend, but no. These people really exist. 
This is how the story goes: 
There I was, just passing by the icecream isle with my cart full of only fruits and vegetables when out of nowhere this a super tall scary women starts walking towards me. She was one of those strong Russian-looking-teachers. Like the school teacher from the movie "Matilda", remember? Exactly! 
She had a very frightening look and a huge scary mixing spoon in her hand. With her mean face and her eyes wide open she scream at me:" if you don't buy this Tiramisú box I will make sure you don't leave this store alive. Do you hear me?". OMG. I almost peed my panths. I did not blink or think twice. Shaking, I looked at her and said while nodding: "Yes mam". I quickly open the fridge and added a box to my cart. Just to make sure I was teally going to get out of there alive I also grabbed a box of original vanilla cheesecake. You never know, these people are crazy. Better be safe then sorry!
With her super thick Russian accent she says: "Verrrry Good, Farrrria. Verrrry good!" And then I ran to the cashier, just to make sure it didn't melt and then she would get really really mad and forces me to bring a package of chips and some more Nutella. Ufff! 
The calorie enforcement police is out there. Remain on alert! They can strike when least expected. At least they don't look like Harry Potter Dementors. Just a bit more scary, dough! 

And this is how I miraculously escaped death today. How about you guys?
#Iwasforced #ididn'twantto 

Sharing info

Aqui há tempos encontrei a pagina da MessiNessyChic. Pus um like no Facebook dela e de quando em vez vou lendo os post dela.
A semana passada encontrei este post “The Tiniest Antique Shop in Paris is stuck to the side of a Church (and sells fresh Eggs)” e fiquei apaixonada. Da próxima vez que for a Paris, lá passarei.

Na rúbrica do “13 Things I Found on the Internet Today(Vol. CXLI)” desta semana, encontrei um post sobre the “Journeying through a remote region of northeastern Afghanistan, untouched by the war and preserved from the Taliban regime, this story pays tribute to the ancient culture of this land, which has never disappeared but which has simply been forgotten.” Ora v|ao à espreitar e digam que não è fenomenal. Hà gente que tem/cria opportunidades de fazer coisas fenomenais. 


 Com amor...

Seren Dipity

Sunday, 23 August 2015


Today I was able to figure out what you took with you when you left me: my ability to feel. 
Pain, anger, suffering are the only things I am able to feeling. Everything else is a big blank. My brain recognizes the feelings, knows exactly what I should be feeling at a certain even. But I am just unable to phisically feel it. Right now a massive disconesc resides inside of me. And I don't seem to be able to find the switch to plug these wires all over again.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Human kind... Weird

About to make a difficult decision? No problem. Take a Tylenol and "you are going to be fineeeeee". 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Do Universo

Oh que porra. Estou eu aqui a falar com um rapazito no Tinder... 

Pronto... de onde é que ele é? The Prince Rupert. Qual é o nome do Ursinho? Pois claro. Oh que puta de coincidência da vida. Enfim. Bola pra frente, genti!  

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Da nossa História

Não e' por nada, mas acho que todos deveríamos ver este vídeos do Professor Hermano Saraiva e saber mais sobro a nossa formação. Sim, eu sei que são vídeos pesados para o verão. Mas pah, pensem nisso quando o outono começar a chegar. 

História de Portugal - Volume I

Monday, 17 August 2015

Omg! Omg!

Another owl by Tania Catclaw. 

Have you guys seen her work? She is awesome... Check her instagram account. 
#loveit #iloveowls

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Little by little

Aos poucos vou-me voltando a sentir eu própria. Ás vezes penso em tudo isto e parece-me que não é real. Que nada aconteçeu. Não falamos já desde o final de Julho. De quando te mandei aquela mensagem a dizer que me cruzei com aquela mulher hippie com a qual passamos horas a falar no Lynn Canyon. Mensagem á qual até hoje não respondeste. Ainda há muito de ti em mim. Tanto. Que tento adormecer um pouco todos os dias. Como que a deixar morrer uma planta com cede. 
Tenho passado imenso tempo com o Thomas. O meu melhor amigo. Tu sabes. Chegaste a conhece-lo quando ca estiveste. Uma pessoa 5 estrelas que eu adoro. Aos poucos vamo-nos aproximando um pouco mais. Mas as saudades de ti, de nós ainda me invadem sem pedir licença. Hope fui para casa dele. Tivemos a ver um filme, "a true story". Aos poucos o Thomas vai-se aproximado e tocando-me. Sinto-me bem perto dele. Aquece-me o 
coração. Tenho um medo, um pavor enorme de fazer com ele o que fizeste contigo. Especialmente quando leio aquele paragrafo do teu email que me diz: "Things change when you figure out it's not going to work. But that did't stop me from liking you. From wanting to share things with you. From wanting to be with you". A grande diferença é que desde o primeiro dia sempre fui sincera com ele. Sempre lhe disse que o adoro, mas que não o sinto como uma relação amorosa. E de tempos a tempos faço o check-in em relação a este assunto. Para ele saber que não o estou a magoar. Que não o quero magoar de qualquer forma. 
Enfim, não sei. Isto é muito complicado. Embora tenha conseguido atenuar um pouco a dor, ainda te quero. Ainda te amo. Ainda te desejo. E por vezes a saudade sufoca-me. 

Aquele beijo. 

Saturday, 15 August 2015


One of the things that keep me moving: the will to find simple ways to do difficult things.
"The Ultimate Introduction to NLP". 

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Southpaws — the affectionate term for lefties

Today is Happy International Left-handers day!

And of course, I am left-handed. As being myself wasn't crazy enough, I also have to be a southpaw.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Quotes # 7

“I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life. I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life." I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Os idiotas dao sempre a costa

O Euronews publicou um video hoje sobre o incendio em Malgualde. O link aqui.
E vejam so o comentario desta santa alminha

Este e mesmo digno de um "No Comments".  

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Insanely inspiring

Living with ADD/ADHD

Some tips to help you live with this disorder:

1. To organize yourself, get in the habit of taking notes and writing lists.

2. Use a calendar app or a daily planner.

3. Set up reminders on your phone

4. Makes lists (I don't think this one is very useful because I tend to loose the stupid lists)

5. Deal with it now - immediately, not sometime in the future.

6. Use timers - The Pomodoro technique.


7. Give yourself more time than you think you need (ALWAYS) - Specially in the morning. 

8. Prioritization: 
  • Decide what’s first. Ask yourself what is the most important task you need to accomplish, and then order your other tasks after that one.
  • Take things one at a time. Break down large projects or tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Stay on task. Avoid getting sidetracked by sticking to your schedule, using a timer to enforce it if necessary
9. Save big ideas for later. All those great concepts that keep popping into your head? Jot them down on paper for later consideration.

10. Stretch your attention spam:
  • Echo directions. After someone gives verbal instructions, say them aloud to be sure you got it right.
  • Move around. To prevent restlessness and fidgeting, go ahead and move around—at the appropriate times in the right places. As long as you are not disturbing others, taking a walk or even jumping up and down during a meeting break, for example, can help you pay attention later on.
11. Sleep
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day.
  • Exercise vigorously and regularly, but not within an hour of bedtime.
  • Create a predictable and quiet “bedtime” routine.
  • Take a hot shower or bath just before bed.
  • Stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule, even on weekends.

12. Food:
  • Eat small meals throughout day.
  • Avoid sugar as much as possible.
  • Eat fewer carbohydrates, while increasing your protein intake.
Information collected from here.
ADDer's, enjoy! 


Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Agarra que é ladrão...

E um dia estas a desfazer a mala do fim-de-semana e o cão decide-te "pifar" um par de cuecas sujas. E tens que andar a correr atrás dele pela casa fora para reaver as ditas. Oh céus! Pelo menos não as comeu.

Ja viram bem a cara do safado? Como quem diz? Eu? Naaaaaahhhh! Foi impressão tua, pah! 

Universo FDP

As vezes acho que o Universo gosta mesmo de brincar comigo. De me enviar mensagens subliminares ou coisas do género. 
Em Outubro do ano passado, enquanto passeava por Gastown vi este quadro: 

Na altura, fez-me lembrar o Ursinho e enviei-lhe esta mesma foto

Hoje, enquanto estou no instagram um rapariga que conheci este fim-de-semana posta esta foto: 

E pronto. Eu fico logo a bater mal. São coincidências? É o Universo a tentar-me dizer alguma coisa? Pois não sei. E também nada vou fazer para além de lhe enviar o tal email que ando a escrever a semanas. Um dia destes. Não para já. 

Why you?

I’ve always loved school. I have battle ADHD and Dyslexia all my life, but that never made me stop learning. Going to school and being a student was a huge part of my identity for the vast majority of my life, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. But even with some barriers I always tried to strive to make myself better, which ultimately has made me a better-rounded, open-minded, intellectually curious individual.
That is why till today I am always attending different classes and workshops.
The same applied for relationships. When it comes to relationships, I’m not just looking for someone who’s sweet, funny, charming or sexy.
I’m not just looking for someone who has all the conventional qualities of a “perfect” partner.
I’m not just looking for someone who has everything I could ever want as far as looks, personality and ability in bed.
Those things, ironically, are not enough.
I feel in love with you so quickly because you can always learn new things from you. Because you are driven, and you are someone who can broaden my knowledge of the world around me. Because you can challenge me in every facet of my life and seem to be able to expand the methods through which I’m able to learn about absolutely anything.
I am not looking for a relationship that it’s perfect. I am looking for the relationship that it’s worth it. And above all, you showed me that you were worth my time.


What is Social Categorization? 

Social Categorization is the process of classifying people into groups based on similar characteristics, whether it be nationality, age, occupation, diagnosis, or some other trait. When we meet a new professor, for example, we may classify her as a woman, as middle-aged, as Asian, as an academic, and so on. Social categorization is a natural part of social perception; it provides a mental shortcut in that it allows us to infer properties about a person based on the properties of others in the same category (although our inferences may not always be correct).

Social Categorization and the Perception of Social Groups
by G a l e n V . B o d e n h a u s e n , S o n i a K . K a n g ,
Read the article here. 

We all judge. We all make assumptions. For good and for bad. It's part of living in a society, defense-mechanisms, social categorization, life. For me, the issue becomes when we start behaving based on these believes, when we start to invade other privacy with our judgments. When we deliberately choose to let this take and command how we behave, how we treat others. 

I do this sometimes, I confess. Mostly towards Asian culture. A topic I could spend a long time talking about, but I rather not. 

This is it for today.

Seren Dipity.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015


Meia noite em Vancouver. 8 horas da manhã em casa.
Hoje foi um dia deveras complicado. A certa altura só me apeteceu desaparecer. Estou emocionalmente desequilibrada, sem sombra de dúvida. A visita dele fez-me mais mal que bem. Destruíu-me, ainda que temporariamente. Mas não quero falar disso por agora.
O trabalho também não tem andado de feição. Hoje descobri que fiz uma cagada. Amanhã de manhã vou ter que lidar com isso. Nem sei bem como. No caminho para casa vinha completamente destruida. Coloquei os óculos de sol e vim o caminho todo a chorar. Não conseguia controlar as lágrimas. Como nem almoçei (passei o dia todo com 2 iogurtes no buxo), fui directamente aqui comprar uma porcaria qualquer para comer. Aquelas comidas manhosas canadianas cheias de GMOs já feitas que é só aquecer.
Quase a chegar á mercearia avisto um senhor com o qual me cruzo regularmente quando passeio os cães. Como não estáva com cara nem espírito de muitos amigos, reduzi-me á minha insignificância e fui para dentro da loja. Estou na secção dos frios à procura de qualquar coisa para moder quando sinto uma mão no ombro. Era o tal vizinho:
- Hi Ana. I am sorry but I had to come and say hi and see how you are doing. You don’t seem very well today.
- Oh! Hi Terry. Well, I had a very rough day at work. I think I made a huge mistake and sent the wrong information for all the Health Authorities and now is driving me crazy.
Não toquei no assunto que realmente me estava a aponquentar. Não posso contar isto a toda a gente, senão pareco um disco riscado sempre a repetir a mesma coisa/
- I see, Ana. Well things are not as bad as they innitially seem. You know, you always this beautiful contagious smile. As soon as I saw you crossing the street I felt completed to come and see if you need something. I am here if you need to talk, and I am sure everything will go for the best.
- Terry, I sincerely appreciate you making time to come here and talk to me. It makes me feel so much better, I can’t even put it into work. Thank you. I am very blessed. Thank you.
- Anytime, Ana. Just promise me you keep smiling. J You have a beautiful smile.
Fiquei realmente estupefacta. E agradecida. Naquele momento o que eu mais precisava era de um abraço, de uma palavra amiga. Someone who cared. E sem pedir, tive-o. A acção do Terry fez-me sentir imensamente melhor. Ajudou-me a pôr certas coisas em prespectiva. Fez-me sentir menos sozinha. Mais acompanhada e menos rejeitada. Acho que afinal de contas o que me custa mais é ter que lidar com a rejeição. O facto de ele não me querer. De não conseguir ver o meu valor, o tamanho do que sinto por ele. Mas o amor é mesmo assim. Não escolhe caras, nem corações. Por mais que me doa, ele não me ama. Ama-a a ela. And it is what it is. Vai levar algum tempo a conseguir fazer as pazes com tudo isto, porque ele realmente me fez sentir que eu não precisava de procurar mais. Que tudo o que procuro e mais quero estáva ali, diante dos meus olhos. Mas não mais ao alcanse da minha mão. Já não nos falamos há mais de 2 semanas. E ainda dói. Muito. Mas com o tempo ha-de passar. E se ele tiver que ser meu e eu dele, o Universo encarregar-se-á de nos por no caminho um do outro. Eu tenho fé. Por agora, é somente um até já. 

(este post foi escrito no dia 31 de Junho, mas como me deu uma real pedrada de sono
não o consegui acabar)