Aquele beijo.
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Gosto tanto...
Aquele beijo.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Tinder ...
Ok. I caved in... I have just downloaded Tinder! New stories to follow. Hopefully I won't be seeing pictures of their dick, before I see their face. Live.
Wish me luck!
Universozinho, Universozinho fofinhoooo....
Ora bem, caro Universo. Vou-te dizer o que quero, e tum exes
os cordelinhos SFF? Ca vai:
Quero ir ver o Sr. Ursinho a Londres do dia 30ou
31 de Marco ao 7de Abril de 2015.
Quero que ele tenha o Easter long weekend
disponivel para passarmos esses 4 dias juntos.
Quero quer pelo menos até domingo ele me dê uma
resposta positica das datas que lhe dei, e que eu ainda consiga marcar os voos
a um preço assessível.
Se me lembrar de mais qualquer coisa já te venho cá dizer.
Mas por agora é isto. Obrigadinha, sim? Bjus doces, Universo.
Daquelas coisas....
Li isto, "Não foste o primeiro mas és o último" da Leididino seu "Blog do Desassossego" e fiquei com a lágrima no olho e o coração apertado. Porque penso em ti,
e tenho esta sensação do "e tipo isto que fazes sentir". É estranho, eu
sei. Mas às vezes estas coisas não têm explicação... Enfim, era só isto.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
E depois… o gajo conta-te que tem uma stalker no trabalho. Ele menciona o nome dela enquanto te conta a historia. E tu, rata vais logo ao Google. Pões o nome dela + o nome da empresa. E pimbas… descobres vaca em 3 segundos. Só que… não fizeste log off do teu LinkedIn,
que por acaso, também não está anónimo. Uns dias depois, recebes um
email do LinkedIn para ver quem andou a ver o teu perfil… A GAJA! E
entras em pânico. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Bloquear, bloquear, bloqueaaaaaaa. E bloqueias os 2. Social Media, és uma merda. I am always in trouble because of you. Bahhh!
Fechar a porta...
Detesto quando me sinto assim… a perder o rumo. A perder a ponta, como
diz a outra. Mas há dias em que é inevitável não me sentir assim,
sozinha, vazia. Este feeling constante de andar a correr atrás do cabrão do comboio. E quando chego à estação, o filho da puta já partiu outra vez. Não sei o que faça. Não sei para onde vá. Não sei de mim. É horrível,
quando no processo de nos tentarmos achar, acabamos por nos perder. E é
assim que me sinto hoje. Perdida. Não só porque não estás aqui, mas
porque também eu já cá não estou. E não me refiro a um alguém em particular, mas ao amor no geral. Por vezes é difícil
demais. Estou cansada. Deveras cansada. De andar na rua sem te dar a
mão. De chegar a casa e não lá estares para me abraçar. De me dar a quem
não merece. Volto a fechar a porta. E a porta do meu coração quando
fecha, faz um barulho ensurdecedor.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Andas-me a irritar tanto que acabei de comer 2 bananas com Nutella, cuja validade acabou em Outubro de 2014. Se ficar doente a culpa eh toda tua, estupor!
With or without you, everyday is a new beginning,
No more waiting. No more in standby. No more stopping. If you want me, you know where to find me.
E assim te liberto...
No more waiting. No more in standby. No more stopping. If you want me, you know where to find me.
E assim te liberto...
Monday, 19 January 2015
Sabes, ás vezes deixas-me deveras triste. Como hoje. Umas
vezes parece que queres muito. Pelos menos tanto quanto eu. Outras nem por
isso. Esta merdas das datas e das férias já me está a comecar a chatear e a
fazer perder um pouco a paciência. Um mês, para saberes se dava para nos vermos
em Fevereiro. Sugeres Abril. Confirmo Abril, agora não sei quanto tempo para
veres se Abril também dá. Sim, os
treinos. Os cursos do treino Militar. “Vou ai em Abril ou Maio. Calma. Não,
Junho. Vou ter que ser operado em Maio. Ou Junho.” Sabes ao que isto me soa
tudo? A muito blá, blá, blá. Queres saltar fora do barco? Be my guest! Não
enroles como se faz aos croquetes depois de molhar no ovo… passa-los no pão, tá
bem? Sim. Sou porreira. Gosto imenso de ti. Sei que és boa pessoa, que vales
apena. Muito provávelmente eu e tu estamos num “bad timing”, mas acredito
piamente que as situações são aquilo que fazemos delas. Estás praí a
esfalfar-te que nem um condenado, a fazer um curso Militar part-time que nem
sabes sequer se te vão aceitar na transferência a full-time porque já excedeste
o limite mínimo de idade. Ia resmungar contigo sobre o facto de ser possível te
inscreveres no exercito Canadiano… mas acabei de descobrir que tens que ter
cidadania Canadiana. Mandatory Requirement. Very, very sad. Enfim… acho que vou
parar por aqui. Tentar digerir tudo
isto. Gosto de ti. Para caraças, e quero arranjar uma forma de fazer
desaparecer estes 7 mil e não sei quantos Km que nos separam. E o tempo passa e
eu parece que fico cada vez mais desapontada contigo… Enfim!
Sunday, 18 January 2015
And one day...
... a stranger tells you he want to fuck you while you are crossing the street.
The story goes something like this:
A random cold winter day in Vancouver. I leave the house for my regular 15 minute morning walk to work. I have my "Michael Jackson's" black and gold work runners on. Black skinny pants on. Work shirt. Warm coat. Fur scarf. Headphones on - listening to my AM playlist form 8tracks.
I stop at the intersection, waiting to cross the street. Suddenly I notice this tall, kinda handsome guy beside me. I see his lips moving. It seems like he is talking to me. I look around to see if there is someone else behind me, or something. Nop. Nobody. I ask him politely while I start pulling out my earphone, with my "silly-what-the-fuck-morning-face":
- Hi. Excuse me, are you talking to me?
- Yeah. I was saying that I really like your style. You must have tons of "boyfriends"!
At this point I kinda do the eyebrow -huh? - thing. I kindly thank him for the early morning compliment and respond with some sarcasm:
- Of Course. I have a shelve full of them at home.
We both laugh, while waiting for the light to turn green and he continues:
- I was wondering if I could get your number. Maybe we could get hammered together sometime.
- Hummm... Interesting. You know, I am not a heavy drinker! (Hint, hint)
- Ohhhh. Too bad. I would love to get "shitface" with you and have lots of crazy wild sex. Can I have your number?
(At this point we are crossing the street and I do the "whoa" face while I look back at him. He continues:
- You know, I am not the relationship kinda guy. Always looking for a "hookup". It seems like you have an awesome body... So...
Already the other side of the street I stop. Look him in the eye, with a big smile on my face:
- Well, thank you for the compliment. But I am going to pass. I am not the type of women you are looking for. Although, I sincerely appreciate your honesty. Have a great day.
He smiled, wished me a good day and we both went our separate ways.
You know, I can't stop but wonder how I wish most men where this honest. Plain and simple: "I just want to fuck you, are you interested?" Instead of leading us on, and on. It would save us - women, the silly over analyzers - a ton of time and energy. I am sure my girlfriends will vouch for me. We can handle the truth better than you think. And we wont necessarily throw a tantrum or pour your beer all over you. Most likely we will respond with a "thank you, but no thank you" and move on. Just sayin'...
Friday, 16 January 2015
Today I have officially changed from Google search engine to DuckDuckGo. Have you ever heard of this guys? The big difference is that they don't track you, as Google tracks your searches and shares it with other sites. Have you wondered how, for example you Google a pair of shoes. You check it on amazon. Then you go to your Facebook page and you are able to see adds for those same shoes in you Facebook page? Exactly... Kinda freekie. I know.
What are you waiting for?
#switchtoDuckDuckGo #DuckDuckGo
What are you waiting for?
#switchtoDuckDuckGo #DuckDuckGo
Caro Face Trombas:
Não quero adicionar mais amigos a esta página... Os 4 que lá andam
chegam. Podes parar de me sugerir gente? Sei lá quem é o Francisco
Toureiro, aqueles chineses e indianos medonhos que me aparecem como
sugestão de amigos na minha página. Que maçada. #zurkerburguerésumachato #putaquepariu
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Quero que ele seja o meu "para sempre"...
Quero ser a "para sempre" dele....
Achas que consegues?
Quero que ele seja o meu "para sempre"...
Quero ser a "para sempre" dele....
Achas que consegues?
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Monday, 5 January 2015
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!
House keys?
At work...
Work keys?
At work...
Forgetfull is my middle name...
Breakfast ideas...
Based on this recipe, I am going to make my own Chia-seeds pudding. Of course I am going to modify it. Tomorrow I'll let you know how it goes...
Whole grains
Based on this article from "The Telegraph", Harvard University conducted the first research who shows that eating whole grains have a long-term impact on lifespan by reducing the
risk of dying from heart disease. It`s already known, believed that whole grains are high beneficial for our health.
On that note, I found another interesting article that talks about the fact that GMO oats are a mith:
So, why are there no GMO oats? There are a bunch of reasons, but the main one is, not surprisingly, money. There simply aren’t enough oat farmers in the world, or enough oats grown, to create sufficient demand to justify the incredibly expensive research that goes into developing genetically modified seeds. “There’s no money and no desire” for such research, says Ron Barnett, an oat breeder and professor emeritus of agronomy at the University of Florida.
The decisions for which crops are targeted for GMO research are based on economic and political decisions that were made well before the first GMO crops were even conceived of. “In the United States, corn and soybeans are the drivers” of GMO product development, Barnett says. That’s because the markets for those crops were already dominant when genetic modification started taking off. “Oats,” comparatively speaking, “are a minor crop,” he adds.'
All I know it's that it's harder and harder to eat healthy. More and more complicated. I try to go for organic over all. Yes I do pay more, but it's a risk that I am no longer willing to take. Rather spend my money on Organic food then clothes.
On another note, I lost count of the number of times I have tried to eat oatmeal! I. Just. Can't. The flavor, the completely grouses me out.Ewwwe.... am I the only one?
Seren Dipity
The full study can be found here: JAMA Internal Medicine
The main benefits of whole grains
The benefits of whole grains most documented by repeated studies include:- stroke risk reduced 30-36%
- type 2 diabetes risk reduced 21-30%
- heart disease risk reduced 25-28%
- better weight maintenance
- reduced risk of asthma
- healthier carotid arteries
- reduction of inflammatory disease risk
- lower risk of colorectal cancer
- healthier blood pressure levels
- less gum disease and tooth loss
On that note, I found another interesting article that talks about the fact that GMO oats are a mith:
So, why are there no GMO oats? There are a bunch of reasons, but the main one is, not surprisingly, money. There simply aren’t enough oat farmers in the world, or enough oats grown, to create sufficient demand to justify the incredibly expensive research that goes into developing genetically modified seeds. “There’s no money and no desire” for such research, says Ron Barnett, an oat breeder and professor emeritus of agronomy at the University of Florida.
The decisions for which crops are targeted for GMO research are based on economic and political decisions that were made well before the first GMO crops were even conceived of. “In the United States, corn and soybeans are the drivers” of GMO product development, Barnett says. That’s because the markets for those crops were already dominant when genetic modification started taking off. “Oats,” comparatively speaking, “are a minor crop,” he adds.'
All I know it's that it's harder and harder to eat healthy. More and more complicated. I try to go for organic over all. Yes I do pay more, but it's a risk that I am no longer willing to take. Rather spend my money on Organic food then clothes.
On another note, I lost count of the number of times I have tried to eat oatmeal! I. Just. Can't. The flavor, the completely grouses me out.Ewwwe.... am I the only one?
Seren Dipity
The full study can be found here: JAMA Internal Medicine
Sunday, 4 January 2015
- Surprise me, fascinate me and make me smile,
- Make me want to be better,
- Make me feel comfortable, sexy and beautiful beside you,
- Make me want to wake up beside you everyday,
- Challenge me and make make me think
- Are a bit of a weirdo... But I am too!
- You make me want to always live my life to the fullest,
- Inspire me to be a better person, a better human being,
- Give color and movement to my life,
I am always fascinated by what you have to say. I appreciate your sense of humor and love to make you laugh...
I'm waiting patiently though time is moving slow
I have one vacancy and I wanted you to know that
You're the one designed for me
A distant stranger that I will complete
I know you're out there we're meant to be
So keep your head up and make it to me
And make it to me
Sam Smith - Make It To Me
Friday, 2 January 2015
So... I noticed that on the 1st I had astonishing 16 visits. I was like: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? and I swear it wasn't because I viewed my blog and kept pressing the "refresh" button. Seriously. If possible I would really, really, really like to know who's on that side of the screen. Is that ok? Can you press that thing that's somewhere on my page that says follow??? Please? Please? Please???????? :)
Ahahahah! I am a curious persoooon! ;)
Have a lovely evening.
Seren Dipity
Ahahahah! I am a curious persoooon! ;)
Have a lovely evening.
Seren Dipity
Well... my hair. What can I tell you guys about my hair??? It's a bit thin, super straight and oily. Baaahhh! Terrible. Well, could be worst. I always wanted to have long hair, but it seems soooo hard. And I also have the patience of a 2 year old, so it's even harder to let it grow. I have always had short hair. In all honesty I think I have never had hair below my shoulders and I can never wear a pony tail. And I love pony tails. Charlotte, from Sex and The City has without a doubt my most favorite hair in the entire world. Strong, thick, straight. I thought about extensions before but it's way tooo much money and it's not real. For the past 3 years I adopted the "Bob". Sometimes long bob, other times shorter bob. For 2015, the my hair cut goal is this:
I already have a similar color. Couple layers darker but quite similar in the sun. In another post I will share with you some of my tricks to dear with my hair type that seem to work very well for me.
So, this is how my hair currently looks like - regarding the color, yes it looks darker.
Last time I allowed her to cut it a bit tooo short. I was a bit shocked. But it grew about 2.5 cm already. (Photo is from early October). Now I feel a bit more comfortable with it, although it's growing out of the cut and it has been bothering me. Going to set up an appointment for next week and then I'll show you the results. Where do I go for haircuts? To in.Salon, in Yaletown and I always see Aleks. Your are welcome, Ladies. She is awesome.
Seren Dipity
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